Category: thoughts

  • Staple: jean jacket ftw!

    Staple: jean jacket ftw!

    They’ll have to pry it off of me. Or hope I can’t fit it anymore. Thats my twin pregnant as ever pictured with me!

  • 30 & in diapers

    30 & in diapers

    I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really want to go back to wearing anything else. These are definitely discrete no one has noticed them for a whole entire year. I have totally embraced the idea of me sporting this around the house. My comfort supersedes everything else. I have continued this so much so that…

  • The only PROOF I need!

    Meet my adorable nephew, CJ! Every time I see this photo, I scream! I want to take the time to thank my sister for having such amazing kids! You kind Sir will never disappoint! LMFAO! – Bri Not sure if the prints were order, knowing his mom she was more annoyed with this look. Let…

  • Chapter Three

    Journey with me… Life has a funny way of teaching/showing you things on time so you can prepare yourself. Not everything is promised to prepare you. It’s cray what bullets I’ve missed on this journey — I am so grateful. For life is precious and any sudden move can change your direction. I am blessed…

  • Phase of the Elephant

    Phase of the Elephant

    Harness your animal spirit!

  • Choose Consistency

    It all starts by building healthy habits and shedding bad ones. However, it only works when we stay consistent. When things get tough, and you feel backed into a corner. Choose consistency! The moment you break and bow down to fear is the same moment you change the foundation from which you’ve laid. Being consistent…

  • Layer of Skin: my routine.

    I didn’t fall in love with my skin until about nineteen or twenty years of age. I didn’t start taking care of my skin until I was twenty-two years old. At that point in my life, I was working in hot kitchens. Being in heated environments will bring more attention to your skincare for sure.…

  • Let me reintroduce myself.

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the Screens! For all that are new to this space, welcome! Here is my little feed within this cyber world we scroll through. For those who know me, know that, the times have been long and hard. So many things have changed. You’ve missed a bit so far, but no need…

  • welcome change

    welcome change

    I’m proud of us! I knew we could do it! That doesn’t mean it’s over, though! We still have a lot going on, and it can be overwhelming. You’ve got the power! We have learned some things to assist us in moving forward, aye! We aren’t perfect, never be that. However, we are learning. Let…

  • Growth


    Growth, my point of view. I’m going to break down my idea of self-growth, making it as simple as I made it for myself. If you are unaware that you are doing something wrong, how does it get corrected? What if you never know, I encourage us all toSPEAK UP. If you don’t know why…